Sunday, April 11, 2010

I'm Walkin' on Sunshine

A week of Cork life has passed and yes, I'm still jobless. It's been hard going from working two jobs to working zero. I've been hesitant to do too much travelling outside of Cork until I have an income, so I've been spending a lot of time on the computer applying for jobs when it's raining and heading into the downtown when it's sunny.

The weather is gorgeous right now--about 16 degrees with absolutely no wind. They're not calling for rain for the rest of the week either, which is just an awesome bonus for me. No, I'm not trying to make you guys jealous (well, maybe a little). My roommate, Dave, was going to take me on a hike with him and his girlfriend's daughter today, but he wasn't feeling well, so I ventured out on my own. I finally found the park I'd been searching for (The Lough), which is basically a huge pond with a playground nearby and footpath all around it. It was really beautiful, but because of the weather and the fact that it's the weekend, it was a little crowded. From there, I ventured to the UCC, which is the university in Cork. Sure, I may have been searching for some cute students lounging around, but I got more distracted by the beautiful campus and then remembered that any students lounging around the campus on a Sunday probably weren't my kinda guys ;).

Anyway, no luck on the job or boy sitch, but at least it's not snowing out here. I'm optimistic that I'll find work soon anyway. Sometimes you just need to enjoy your vacation a bit before settling into a job. At least I've found something else delicious to make my days go by just a little smoother...

Enjoy the photos, and I'll be sure to keep you posted if anything actually exciting happens.

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