Saturday, March 20, 2010

Drunken Lullabies

Hello, friends. I haven't updated in a couple of days because I didn't want to without new pictures. However, I'm bloody lazy and haven't taken my camera out in a few days. To keep the interest of you, my followers, I thought I should let you know that I'm not dead in an Irish ditch somewhere.

I went into Dublin with Maria, her mum, and her mum's friend Deirdre, on Friday because I fully expected to get my Garda stuff settled, work on my resume, get my PPS (Irish equivalent of a know, the 8th, not nearly as deadly one). Part of that happened. The resume bit. I got to the immigration office to find a queue of about 100 people with an additional 100 sitting down, so I said "feck it" and worked on my resume.

I didn't want to apply for any jobs dressed the way I was, so I wandered around Dublin for about two hours before decided on lunch and a cinematic adventure. I went to a pub called Maddigans's, which would have been the oldest pub I've ever seen if I hadn't been to the Brazen Head, had lunch, and ventured to the theatre to kill some time before Maria got off work. Of course, me being as magnetic as I am, I attracted a crazy dude with long hair and no teeth who was on and on about the north etc etc. Do I produce a special chemical that brings crazy people to me? I'd wager yes.

I went to see Alice in Wonderland at a theatre called Savoy. It was pretty nifty. I managed to get into the theatre where they do a bunch of premieres and things. It was HUGE, with red curtains and everything. Definitely wasn't designed for some Cineplex-loving Canadian tourist.

Maria and I caught the bus home with her younger brother Greg (who is a year older than me), and watched a movie called the Magdelene Sisters when we got home. It was a true story based on the Magdelene Asylums in Ireland in the 60s where young, unmarried, pregnant girls were sent.
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We spent the day today relaxing, for the most part. Hung some laundry to dry, made some dinner (fettucine alfredo..yes, I'm that good), and watched Titanic over a couple of bottles of wine. I'll be back in Dublin on Monday to actually get my Garda stuff sorted, and then I may be making a trip down to Cork to see what life there is like. Why not, right?

I'll be sure to keep you posted as my trip progresses, but be sure to keep me updated because I miss Canada like mad.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, I'm so jealous, but at the same time I'm so happy for you. I'm so glad you started this blog too, so you better keep it up, cause I love reading everything that goes on. Maybe one of these days I will actually write something on my blog - maybe something about Canada, ha ... so not as interesting.
